What is PET/CT?
PET/CT stands for “positron emission tomography / computed tomography.”
These two imaging techniques are used in combination to diagnose health conditions,
find out how an existing condition is developing and to see if ongoing treatment is effective.
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How to Prepare
Review what you need to know about diet, medication and activity before your exam.
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What to Expect
We want your exam to be as comfortable as possible, learn the steps involved in your PET/CT exam.
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LifeScan Minnesota
A Partnership between Suburban Imaging &
Consulting Radiologists, Ltd.
Suburban Imaging and Consulting Radiologists, Ltd. (CRL), are pleased to announce LifeScan Minnesota, a new partnership providing PET/CT imaging in the southwest metro region. We have partnered to provide you and your patients with the highest quality PET/CT imaging. We appreciate the opportunity to continue serving you and your patients’ needs for PET/CT imaging at LifeScan Minnesota.
To schedule an appointment, please call 763.792.1999.